Get to know flowers with your favorite Baltimore & Annapolis, MD Florist


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MICUA, Maryland Florist

Send flowers, plants, and gifts to your friends and family at Maryland Independent College and University Association from your favorite local florist, WildFlower Stem + Sundry. We are proud to offer same-day delivery and customization on an extensive range of roses, fragrant lilies, exotic orchids, blooming hydrangeas, terrifically stunning tropicals, green plants, hardy succulents, blooming baskets, and heart-warming gift baskets. WildFlower is proud to offer the perfect present for holidays, to celebrate a birthday, anniversaries, to say thank you, to say you are sorry, to send sympathy, to wish your loved ones well, or celebrate a new baby!

Call or click to connect with our floral designers. We cannot wait to serve you!

We will go the extra mile to make your day!
Business Address
140 South Street
Annapolis, MD 21401

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